Let's Talk Conservation

Networking for Conservation - Kimberly Ray

Jennifer Choyce Episode 2

This week we head to California and meet Kimberly Ray, Founder and CEO of Marine Conservation Network (MCN)! An original water baby from Florida, Kimberly was always in the water and became fascinated with the ocean and the mysteries of what waited below the surface. This love eventually led to a serious interest in scuba diving, getting a degree in Marine Biology, and working hands on with marine life. at the aquarium in Santa Barbara. Kimberly became known as the Shark Lady because of her relationships with the smaller sharks. The sharks would be hand-held and brought to the surface for the public to get a closer view and to touch. During her time there, Kimberly found that there was disconnect between scientific conservation and the general public. So she started talking and relating to the public on a more general level and in doing that, she found there was more retention and more connection. It was this realisation that led to Marine Conservation Network being born six years ago. Now, MCN, is going global on building an ocean community by interpreting a common language for all to be on the same page. MCN have two departments that are working to spread the word of ocean conservation:
1)  Networking through videos and interviews, promoting the lesser-known conservation organisations that no one knows about and educational videos, and
2)   Our Youth Ambassador Program - youths of ages 8 to 15 who are actively making an impact on saving the oceans, doing well in school, and spreading the word of all forms of ocean conservation and education. For those who are continually successful and actively participate in the program, we offer a scholarship to the college of their choice when they graduate high school.
To find out more about MCN and their mains for conservation check out the links below:
twitter: @MCNnetwork